This is now the fourth week since Finland went more or less into a lockdown. During this time, my thoughts and feelings have been moving through specific stages: from a total shock and denial to depression and fatigue and finally to acceptance. I’m even starting to see a silver lining in all this. Something new is starting to take shape, I feel energised, happier, refreshed, trusting. We will get through this!
The thing that has really helped me are these 5 different steps that I have implemented in my life.
1. Limit the news flood
My first step was to limit watching the news, stop following any tabloids and leave from those Facebook groups that had mostly negative “the-world-is-going-to-end” / “I-know-better-than-experts” conversations. At first, I was binge-watching “crap”, like Temptation Island, Ex on the Beach and other similar series just to get my mind off the Corona. However, that kind of entertainment works like a bag of candy: might bring some quick-relief but make you feel bad on the next day.
2. Journaling
One actually helping and beneficial way to process your thoughts and emotions is to keep a journal. I started writing down my feelings, listing good things in my life and thinking of opportunities that this situation might bring.
3. Build your routines
I can’t highlight this enough! A healthy routine helps to keep your day structured so do at least this:
- Set your alarm to wake you up at the same time you would wake up normally
- Make a to-do list of the most important things you want to achieve in each day
- Make sure you follow regular eating patterns and have 3 meals and 1–2 snacks each day
- Exercise every day at least a little bit
- Go to sleep at the same time as you would go normally
- Don’t work or study in your bed but have a separate place for work and for relaxing.
4. Reward yourself
We are living now amid several restrictions so you can show yourself some compassion and pampering. Do things that bring you joy every day. Take a walk in nature, call your parents, buy fresh flowers, watch your favourite movies or read a good book, whatever tickles your fancy.
5. Take time for self-improvement
You can turn these circumstances to your benefit. Take this extra time to improve your life:
- Watch educating documentaries
- Learn something new. For free online courses, check a site called Alison
- Listen to self-help, education or science podcasts
- Learn photography
- Paint, draw, nit, do something with your hands
- Bake or try out new food recipes
Or use this time to plan your next big move in your career or personal life. Now is the time to get new things rolling!
Do you have some other tips to share? How have you been coping with the situation?
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