Hi and welcome to follow my story. For me the New Year’s day has always been one of the most important days in a year. It symbolizes new beginnings, challenges you choose to take, and opportunities you have to create something new or to be something different, something better. It is the time of a year when people tend to stop being busy with their ordinary daily routines, turn off that autopilot for a while and take time to analyze their lives and if needed – and usually it is needed – take corrective actions or set a completely different course for their future. When I made the decision to start writing about my travels in English, there wasn’t a day more perfect to do it than today.
I have always loved writing and traveling so sooner or later starting a travel blog was kind of a natural step for me to take. Since June 2014 I have had a travel blog also called The Present is Perfect that I have been writing in my native language, Finnish. However, for a long time I have wanted to set myself a new challenge and improve my English skills and so I have decided to dedicate time and effort to write also in English. When I started writing my Finnish blog, I still lived in my home country. I had recently graduated from university and started my adult life with a full-time job, husband and house in a new town where we moved because of my job. However, I still felt that my mind was constantly restless and longing for new adventures, to see new places and gain more experiences. Only when I was traveling, I felt free and completely happy. The name of my blog, The Present is Perfect, was originally meant to remind me that every moment, not only those few days when I was traveling, was important. The name also conveys a meaning that life itself is a valuable gift, an unique opportunity to reach for things that you value and gain experiences you regard worth of having. As in so many fields in life, once you take a first step in a new path, you at the same time start a massive journey that is going to take you far beyond the point you originally had in mind. I wanted to create my present even more perfect and I started it by writing my bucket list.
Today I’m living it. I am currently located in Melbourne, Australia which is the most liveable city in the world with bursting culture, excellent coffee, mix of different nationalities, street art, heaps of things to do and fantastic places to go to. I am living my dream. How I ended up here, what is happening in my life now and where I’m heading next? In my blog I will write about my life in Australia, my solo travels with my backpack, living my bucket list, my own experiences on how I turned dreams into goals and about self-improvement.
So once again, welcome. I highly appreciate every comment so please do comment and tell me about your travels or bucket lists! Or whatever else you have in mind. And of course, happy New Year 2017! May this be the best year so far!
Laura / Laura's Itinerary
January 2, 2017 at 11:11 amBest of luck for your own domaine and happy new year, Sandra!
January 3, 2017 at 9:16 pmThanks Laura! Happy new year to you too!