Hi and welcome to my blog! Great to have you here!
Today I achieved one big milestone in my blogging career. It is exactly 3.5 years today, since I started my blog The Present is Perfect and published my first blog post on a Finnish travel site. Before that I had spent years absorbing inspiration from other lifestyle and travel blogs, and was bursting with excitement to start my own. At first, my blog was a medium to deal with my feelings of wanderlust and to analyse my confused thoughts about my future. At the time, I was still living in my home country Finland, had just graduated with a fresh business degree in my hand and was ready to establish my career in banking. At the same time, though, I felt that that could not be all the life had to offer. I was longing for adventures, freedom, new countries and new experiences. I felt like that I was in the crossroads, and was balancing between my lust for freedom and my need for security and the pressure of settling down.
Starting this travel blog was a significant step, at least symbolically. It marked as a beginning of something new; something that took me to Australia for two years, and after that to Malta, where I am living now. My blog became a way to get to know people, who shared my views of life, and did not think that leaving everything behind in order to follow your dreams was a crazy idea doomed to fail. I received tons of positive feedback and encouragement, and was maybe even able to encourage others with my story.
For this whole time, my blog lived side my side with these changes. It grew and evolved with me. Of course sometimes there were periods, when I felt like that blogging has lost all its glory, and I did not have any inspiration to share any content whatsoever. However, for most of the time this was a dear hobby, and I have never thought about quitting. One year ago I launched this English site, and I feel that now is the time to make the next step. I have decided to move also my Finnish blog to this site, and of course to invest more on both of these blogs.
Nothing will really change. I will continue writing about things relevant to me: my travels, living in another country and about Malta. However, in the future, I aim to focus even more on motivational posts, on following one’s dreams, living life to the fullest, and also on more analytical posts about different phenomena around travelling and living abroad. You are going to see posts about solo travels, trips in Europe and about the life of one 30-year old woman seeking for adventures and taking advantage of the things life has to offer.
I am grateful for any feedback, ideas and suggestions regarding the content or the look of this blog. I bet that there will be a lot of things to fix, and I guess, I will never be 100 % happy with everything. At this point, I want to thank everyone, who has been reading my blog and welcome all, who have recently found my page.
I feel like this is a good time to wish you all happy December 1st! I will go to celebrate the 3.5-year long journey of my blog!
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